MarketinGear Logo with SLogan

Storytelling is the most ancient form of leisure and socialization. The most potent and influencing way to inspiration. Humans and everything related to them comes with a story. It is the art of storytelling that makes ordinary words powerful and the ordinary stories full of lessons and inspirations.  This art of storytelling is the most ancient art that the human beings were able to preserve and evolve. It became a science by the time humans learned to write. Storytelling helped in human evolution, development of culture and preservation of history through attested stories. Lets explore how important is storytelling for businesses and how businesses use storytelling for branding and value creation.

Storytelling helped in human evolution, development of culture and preservation of history through attested stories passed from heart to heart in generations. Storytelling is something that turns a business into a Brand and one-time buyer into repeat customers and brand advocates.

Business Storytelling

Business storytelling is almost as old as the barter system when people had to exchange goods to live and survive. I am sure in ancient times, a farmer would have highlighted the quality of barley after listening what a tanner had to say about his leather at a barter deal. The business storytelling evolved and came to a point when Steve Jobs told the humans of 21st century the use of the small jeans pocket which in his views was created to carry ipod around.

Everything that belongs to a business is a part of that business’s story. For instance, the business Logo tells a lot about a business and will always have an inspiring story behind it. I will tell you the story of the logo of MarketinGear.

This story is simple yet inspiring. The market word in the logo represent the situation of the market for us to analyze in regards to a business. It involves all the stakeholders that are currently present in the market. The G of the logo represents the growth automation, our magic touch, the strategy, the creation of the business story, to efficiently and effectively position the business or brand for automated growth.

Branding and Storytelling

Branding is nothing but a formulating a great success story for a business that stands out, grabs attention, builds trust, inspires the audience, and draw people closer to the product by making them feel a personal touch and connectivity. Branding services provided by MarketinGear focus the utmost attention towards creating a compelling story for the audience or customers of our client companies and tell that story in a way that  may have a significant impact on the sensory and motor cortex of the human brain. From brand awareness to all other funnel stages, the story stimulates attraction, knowledge and connection of the brand with the customer which transforms into automated growth. Storytelling is something that turns a business into a Brand and turns one-time buyer into repeat customers and brand advocates.


The story of the business is turned into a brand using words, symbols, typography, colors and whole lots of brains and efforts. The mission, vision, values, social norms, traditions are established during this process that transforms into the culture of the organization i.e., the story of the brand that resonates with the lives and feelings of the target customers. All these brand elements, designs, and strategies to attract the right people (stakeholders) towards your brand is actually the science of Storytelling.

Banding Services

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